Imprint of LR Pure
About us
LR Pure Systems GmbH
Headquarters: Ditzingen – Heimerdingen
Röntgenstrasse 24
71254 Ditzingen
Tel. 07152 / 603 385 0
AG Stuttgart
HRB 770172
USt. IdNr.: DE – 302097486
Managing Directors: Stefan Raß, Arno Löwenstrom, Stefan Fischer
Manufacturing, Logistics Weilimdorf
Heimsheimer Straße 19
70499 Stuttgart-Weilimdorf
Sales Office Freiburg
Hans-Bunte-Straße 11
79108 Freiburg
LR Pure Beilngries GmbH
Max-Prinstner-Straße 25
92339 Beilngries
Liability for content
The content of our website has been compiled with greatest care. We cannot guarantee for accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of this content. As a service provider, we are liable for our own content on this website according to § 7 Section 1 TMG. According to § 8 to 10 TMG we, as a service provider, are however not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored foreign information or to investigate circumstances, which indicate illicit activity. Obligations regarding the removal or blocking of usage in accordance with general legislation remain hereby unaffected. In this regard, liability is only possible from the point in which we are aware of a specific legal violation.
As soon as we become aware of any legal violations we will remove such contents immediately.
The content and work on this website, compiled by the website operator, are subject to the German copyright legislation. The reproduction, processing, distributing and any kind of use outside the limits of the copyright law require the written approval of the respective author or compiler. Downloads from this site and copies of this site are permitted for private, thus not commercial use, only. In case the operator did not create the respective contents on this page, third-party copyrights are respected. Contents from third parties are being identified as such. Should you have reason to believe that a copyright violation has occurred, despite the precautionary measures taken, we kindly ask you to inform us! Upon notification of violations, we will immediately remove such content.